When discussing dirt about their targets, the main characters outright say that what they've been doing such as manipulating social media to help their favored political candidate and firing employees for searching for specific terms on social media is illegal.
And Now for Someone Completely Different: In the final mission, the player temporarily controls Sitara and Wrench while Marcus plays Mission Control. An Aesop: In-Universe and out: After Marcus, upon request from Sitara, mildly spooks her niece due to the latter being completely transparent during constant livestreams, Sitara compiles a DedSec-themed package aimed at kids to help them stay safe online. Amoral Afrikaner: It's never outright said, but the "Zulu" part of Umeni-Zulu's name seems to imply that the company had its origin as a South African security contractor. Aluminium Christmas Trees: Yes, Archie did have a crossover with Predator. All Your Base Are Belong to Us: DedSec takes over Lenni's Hacker Cave after completing the Prime_Eight quest line. For example, a Blume executive who hired Prime_Eight to attack their servers is also a high-ranked member of New Dawn. All There in the Manual: Sitara maintains a Tumblr blog which shows some interesting information about several factions in the game. The group as a whole appears to hold far-right and neo-Nazi sentiments. All Bikers Are Hells Angels: The Sons of Ragnarok are depicted as a stand-in for the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, being based within the San Fransisco Bay Area and recognized as a criminal organization. Ac CENT Upon The Wrong Syl LA Ble: Ubisoft is getting better but like in Driver: San Francisco the characters in Watch_Dogs 2 still can't consistently get the pronunciation of Marin right. Another indication is that apparently, Assassin's Creed: Osiris was leaked like Unity and Syndicate.
The most obvious is that the game presents the Salesforce Tower as being fully completed, whereas it was still under construction in 2016.
20 Minutes into the Future: Aside from the widespread adoption of the ctOS system, the world is otherwise on the same technology level as our own, but there are still a few hints that it takes place a few years forward.
The first trailer was released shortly after its confirmation. Several gameplay additions and improvements have been made to this game, as part of the feedback regarding the mixed reactions garnered by the original game. Whereas Aiden Pearce (the first game's protagonist) went on to avenge his niece's death, Marcus, instead, is on a quest to clear his name after he was arrested for a cybercrime he didn't commit, and is on the side of rebel hacker group DedSec, who are trying to take down the newly installed ctOS 2.0 and the various corrupt entities within the Bay Area. It centers around a new protagonist, Marcus Holloway.
The game was released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC November 2016. It is the sequel to Watch_Dogs (released in 2014) and is set in the San Francisco Bay Area (which includes Oakland, Silicon Valley, and Marin County). Watch Dogs 2 is an open world Action-Adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft.